Suryawan 2016: Community Cultural Ecology Sacred Place Kanum Smarkey And Marori Men Gey in Merauke Regency, Papua Province
This study aims to understand the knowledge of the cultural environment and Marori Kanume Tribe Men Gey associated with sacred places in the territory of their village. Tribe Men Kanume and Marori Gey is part of the Great Malind Anim tribe located in the region Wasur National Park, Merauke, Papua province. Tribe Kanume admit their ancestors were Dema who is the personification of animals and plants. The landscape of the tribe Kanume are some areas is as a place to stay Dema. Sacred places of them is the natural wells (Aukambo), a haven ancestor (Samleber), hamlets sago (Sarmbar, Smanitek, Kirakambo, Yapir, Walamal, Kirakambo, Nggelem, Yawalkal, Umbal, Kasarmeneng), village old (Mbenggu), high ground (the deck). This study examines the native languages (in this case Kanume and Marori Men Gey) concerning the sacred places and the knowledge society in the management of natural resources. One of the focus of this research is the ritual SASI, the setting up natural resource management that provides opportunities for game Star or plant breeding. Sasi in English Kanume called by Sal and in English Marori Men Gey called by Sarr. This research combines research methods of anthropology and ethnography in language documentation.