Simbiak 2016: Landscape Unit of the Marori – Men Gey at the Wasur National Park

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Biological diversity and cultural diversity have an inextricable link and mutually influence each other’s existence and fused as biocultural concept. Based on this perspective, a study has been done to document traditional ecological knowledge of Marori – Men Gey about their recognition of the landscape units. This research was conducted in Kampung Wasur through participatory observation and focus group discussions involving experts from the local community. The results shown that the Marori – Gey has detailed knowledge in the recognition of their landscape units both physically landform and vegetation characteristics. A total of 12 units of the landscape has been described that can be divided into 8 units of the natural landscape and 4 units human made landscape. Their physical environment that is on floodplains during the rainy season has effect on the basis of their recognition to the landscape unit.