
Paper: Arka, I W. to appear. Nominal and verbal number in Marori

Paper: Arka, I W. to appear. Nominal and verbal number in Marori

  Arka, I Wayan. to appear. Nominal and verbal number in Marori. In OUP Handbook of grammatical number, edited by...

PAPER: Hisa, L. , A. Mahuze, and I W Arka. 2017. “The ethnobotanical-linguistic documentation of Sago

Makalah ini membahas dokumentasi etnobotani-linguistik tanaman sagu pada etnis Marori. Sagu adalah tanaman dengan nilai sosial budaya dan ekonomi yang...

PAPER: Suryawan, I Ngurah. 2017. “Maintaining the mother tongue on sacred places and the challenges of socio-cultural changes of the Marori and Kanum people in Merauke-Papua.” Jurnal Masyarakat & Budaya no. 9 (3 )

Artikel ini memfokuskan pada penggalian bahasa ibu tentang tempat-tempat sakral bagi Orang Marori dan Kanum di Kabupaten Merauke, Papua. Bahasa-bahasa...

PAPER: Suryawan, I Ngurah. 2016. Merekatkan Imajinasi Bersama: Inisiatif Media Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Marori Men Gey di Kampung Wasur

Artikel ini mendeskripsikan inisiatif yang digalang oleh anak-anak muda dari komunitas etnik Marori Men Gey di Kampung Wasur Kabupaten Merauke...

Simbiak 2016: Landscape Unit of the Marori – Men Gey at the Wasur National Park

Simbiak 2016: Landscape Unit of the Marori – Men Gey at the Wasur National Park

Biological diversity and cultural diversity have an inextricable link and mutually influence each other’s existence and fused as biocultural concept....

Suryawan 2016: Community Cultural Ecology Sacred Place Kanum Smarkey And Marori Men Gey in Merauke Regency, Papua Province

Suryawan 2016: Community Cultural Ecology Sacred Place Kanum Smarkey And Marori Men Gey in Merauke Regency, Papua Province

This study aims to understand the knowledge of the cultural environment and Marori Kanume Tribe Men Gey associated with sacred...

Arka 2016: Externally and internally headed relative clauses in Marori

Arka 2016: Externally and internally headed relative clauses in Marori

This paper discusses relative clauses (RCs) in Marori, showing that this language unusually has almost all of relative clause types,...

Arka 2016: Information structure and its morphosyntactic resources in Marori

Arka 2016: Information structure and its morphosyntactic resources in Marori

This paper will discuss information structure in Marori (also known as Morori/Moraori; ISO 639-3: mok; a subgroup-level isolate, TNG/Papuan, highly...